ASP.NET MVC - AngularJs Developer
Worked with USA, Egypt, Dubai (Oman) Clients
Manage organizational level documents in company for authorized users in the web application. Admin can defined multi level security and each level contains its own secutiry rules for accessing, editing, deleting the documents.
Track property data from Salesforce cloud and match the property details using existing data. Authorize staffs details using data fetched from Salesforce and allow them to access only those properties which are permited by admin.
User can purchase SMSs from the portal and can send bulk SMSs all over the world by specifing mobile number using coutry code. User can track all the sent/unsent/pending SMSs from dashboard.
Laundry owner can add all the details of clothes given by a customer and make sure that customer can verify the clothes by receipt given by owner with total amount after adding the deatils into the system. Owner can track all the details by dashboard.